Cancelled/Postponed SIHB Classes and Events Due to COVID-19

Seattle Indian Health Board (SIHB) is taking the necessary steps to prevent the Coronavirus (COVID-19) from spreading. Due to recent recommendations by government officials, SIHB has decided to cancel or postpone some of our upcoming events and classes. 

As a health clinic, we are committed to minimizing the spread of the virus. We are also committed to all our programs, classes, and events, and understand their importance, so we will continue to update the community about when we will be able to re-open these services.  

We will be updating this list regularly as more recommendations and restrictions are announced related to COVID-19.

Postponed Until Further Notice 

Cowlitz Mobile Dental Clinic  
Usually visits Cowlitz Tribal Health every other Thursday 

Chief Seattle Club Mobile Dental Clinic
Usually visits Chief Seattle Club on the third Monday of every month

Diabetes Support Group Luncheon 
Was scheduled for March 18 

Perinatal Support Group luncheon  
Usually occurs every Thursday 

Red Road AA Group 
Usually occurs every Monday

TTC AA Alumni Meeting  
Usually occurs every Tuesday 

Elders Bingo
Usually occurs every Friday

Drum Circle  
Usually occurs every Wednesday 

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