Our Finance Team Rocks!

Seattle Indian Health Board’s finance team—probably like many finance departments—are unsung heroes and do not get enough public attention for their role in ensuring that we continue to provide the best services for our patients and community.

Leadership and staff have been key

Seattle Indian Health Board has grown in staff by 44% over the past three years, and we have increased our revenue by nearly… drum roll, please… 80 PERCENT!

Our Finance Department has been working hard to ensure our finances and tracking systems are up-to-date, go above and beyond meeting standards, and allow us to grow as an organization.

… The ability to track, plan and measure data and get information into the hands of decision-makers to ultimately benefit the community we serve has been invaluable.

–Ben Luety, Chief Financial Officer, Seattle Indian Health Board

Through Seattle Indian Health Board’s new model—Indigenous Knowledge Informed Systems of Care—and the leadership of our Chief Financial Officer, Ben Luety, the finance team has been able to create an infrastructure that has increased their productivity by 50%.

Being recognized by our partners

Sage Intacct—a Seattle Indian Health Board vendor that operates an online accounting software—recognized our Finance Department’s dedication and role in helping grow the organization.

Check out the case study from Sage Intacct.