Seasonal Feast: Celebrating traditional foods and its benefits to Native health

Seattle Indian Health Board recently hosted the first of four seasonal feasts in 2019. We began hosting seasonal feasts last year, inviting patients and community members to enjoy each other’s company, share indigenous foods, and recognize the importance of traditional foods to Native people’s health.

Celebrating the spring season, guests were served traditional teas and cornbread, seaweed, berries, and a First Nations and Alaska Native seafood stew cooked by Melissa Meyer (Tsimshian).

Tony Brown (Tlingit), an elder carver was a guest speaker at the event.

Seattle Indian Health Board puts Traditional Medicine at the center of everything we do by ensuring that indigenous knowledge informs the ways we care for our patients and community. These seasonal feasts is just one of many ways we are doing that.

Itai Jeffries, Seattle Indian Health Board’s Traditional Health Program Director